The seminar will take place on Monday, March 5, 2018 at 9:00 am in K4. Tomáš Los will give a lecture “On three-dimensional flows of internal pore pressure activated Bingham fluids”.
Abstract: We are concerned with a system of partial differential equations describing internal flows of homogeneous incompressible fluids of Bingham type with activated boundary conditions.The Bingham activation threshold depends on internal pore pressure in the material, which is governed by an advection-diffusion equation. This model may be suitable for description of certain class of granular water-saturated materials. By suitably extending recent approaches by Chupin and Math ́e and Bulíček and Málek (see also a closely related work by Maringova and Zabensky), we prove long time and large data existence of weak solutions.
This is a joint work with A. Abbatiello, J. Málek, and O. Souček.