Faculty HPC cluster opens for users

On May 31 the faculty computing cluster Chimera will officially open for access to all members of the faculty. This will be followed on June 3 by a faculty-wide introductory training. More details can be found here: https://www.mff.cuni.cz/en/hpc-cluster

Seminars BIOMAT 2021. MNat International School

INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON MODELING NATURE (MNat)BIOMAT 2021 Granada Mathematical Modeling, Mechanics and Biology A course organized in a series of weekly seminars on current topics of mathematical modeling in developmental biology, biophysics, biomechanics and biomedicine aimed at researchers in training and the entire scientific community. List of extended 1-hour seminars starting at 16:30 hours …

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Lake Como School of Advanced Studies in Mathematical Models for Bio-Medical Sciences

Dear All, We would like to draw your attention to the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies in Mathematical Models for Bio-Medical Sciences  to be held from June 29 – July 3, 2020 at Villa del Grumello in Como. The event is aimed at a broad audience of young researchers in mathematical modeling and analysis …

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Modelářský výlet — 17. května 2017

Vážení modeláři a příznivci modelování, zveme Vás, Vaše kamarády, manželky, psy i kočárky na každoroční modelářský výlet, tentokrát na trase:Čimice – Přívoz Sedlec – Únětice ———————————————————- Datum: středa 17. května 2017 (rektorský den) Sraz: Kobylisy, zastávka autobusu č. 145/152 směr Sídliště Čimice v 9:00 Trasa by měla být schůdná pro kočárky, vede přes přívoz a …

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ESSAM School on Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

Date: 29/05/2016  – 03/06/2016 Place: Kácov, Czech Republic The aim of the school is to promote the interconnection of mathematical modeling, analysis, and computational methods used in solving complex (real-world) problems. The lectures will be prepared with a broad multidisciplinary audience in mind, and at each school a broad scope, ranging from modeling to scientific computing, will be …

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Christmas party

We would like to invite you, your partners and other sympathizers of mathematical modelling to traditional Christmas party of Mathematical Modelling at MFF. The event we be held on Tuesday 15th of December in K1 (Sokolovska 83, Prague 8) at 18:00. The traditional mulled wine and other beverages will be served. Carols will be sung …

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