
Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics

Our “flagship” seminar in Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics. This is the research seminar where the lectures are usually given by our distinguished guests. The seminar typically takes place every Monday at 15:40 in the lecture hall K1 in Karlín building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. (See contacts page for the location of the building.) See calendar for the seminar programme.

Project MORE

There are also other working seminars. Namely the seminar Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods which used to be the working seminar of the ERC-CZ project Implicitly constituted material models: from theory through model reduction to efficient numerical methods. (After the end of the ERC-CZ project in 2017, the seminar continues under the same name name.)

Selected Problems in Mathematical Modelling

The seminar for students is called Selected Problems in Mathematical Modelling. Here the students regularly report on work on their thesis.


Other seminars and events related to study programme and research projects are shown in the calendar on a separate web page.