Dear colleagues, Dear students,
Within the framework of 4EU+ University Alliance, we are trying to start an initiative on jointly supervised theses. (Mainly MSc theses.) So far the programme is not formalised on the level of double degree or joint degree, but even now it opens you the possibility to write a thesis in cooperation with a researcher based on a partner university, and familiarise yourself with the academic environment at the corresponding partner university.
On Thursday, November 25, 2021 at 17:00 we are organising, together with the partner universities (Heidelberg, Sorbonne, Warsaw) a ZOOM presentation of this initiative, see special webpage for details. We are planning to introduce researchers from the partner universities and introduce possible research topics.
We encourage all students to participate in this event, even if they are not just now interested in the project. We think that it might be interesting to see what is happening. Bachelor students will get an idea on prospective study opportunities at master level, master students (first year) will get an idea on prospective topics for their thesis, and other students will simply get familiar with some of our existing or prospective research partners. Students from partner universities are expected to participate in the meeting as well.