Christmas Party 2024

Milí kolegové a přátelé matematického modelování, srdečně Vás zveme na tradiční Vánoční besídku oboru matematického modelování ve velice předvánočním čase – ve středu 18. 12. 2024 v posluchárně K1 (Sokolovská 83) od 19 hodin. Můžete si zde pochutnat na guláši, drobném občerstvení nebo vínu a svařáku za doprovodu vánočních koled. Rádi bychom pozvali nejen studenty, …

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SCUDEM – SIMIODE challenge using differential equations modeling

SCUDEM — SIMIODE Challenge Using Differential Equations Modeling is a 3-student group modeling challenge that runs over multiple days culminating in a strict limit 10 minute video which is reviewed by at least 3 judges, for more details see SCUDEM webpage and the announcement at MathWorks (the company behind Matlab software) webpage. Registration deadline is …

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ECMI Modelling week 2024

European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) is organising traditional ECMI Modelling Week. The forthcoming Modelling Week that will be held in Catania, in June 23-29. The registration is open. If you want to participate in this event, please let us (Josef Málek) know, and we can try to find some funding for you.

Schedule of presentations at the seminar NMMO564 Selected Problems of Mathematical Modelling/NMMO328 Bachelor Thesis Seminar

Dear students, Attached you will find the tentative schedule of the seminar NMMO564 Selected Problems in Mathematical Modelling/NMMO328 Seminar for Bachelor Thesis. As you probably know, mathematical modelling students present intermediate results/assignments of their thesis at the seminar. MSc. D. students formally enroll in NMMO564 Selected Problems in Mathematical Modeling Seminar, BSc. students formally enroll …

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PhD positions in the field of computational/mathematical modelling and experimental validation of (meta)materials — Eindhoven University of Technology

Dear colleagues, we have received the following announcement on PhD positions in the field of computational/mathematical modelling and experimental validation of (meta)materials. Dear colleagues and students, Consortium METRAMAT, coordinated from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), offers 10 PhD positions in the field of computational/mathematical modelling and experimental validation of (meta)materials. Positions involve (i) computational design …

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