Firedrake ‘24 user meeting

The eighth Firedrake user and developer workshop will be held at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford from 16-18 September 2024.

The workshop will be an opportunity for Firedrake users and developers to discuss the latest developments in the project, anticipated future developments, and how Firedrake can be used in the numerical solution of partial differential equations. More details are available at

PhD/Postdoc position in cooperation with “Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH”

In cooperation with “Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH”, we are currently looking for a PhD student or Postdoc in the group of Prof. Volkwein in Konstanz.

Mathematically the project is concerned with model order reduction for a heat transfer problem (in fluid and solid), which is coupled to Navier-Stokes in the fluid part. More details can be found in pdf below.

HPCSE 24 conference – open registration

The registration for High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering (HPCSE) 2024 conference is now open. The conference will take place from 20 to 23 May 2024 at the Hotel Solan, Beskydy Mountains. You can look forward to engaging lectures and discussions on the latest trends in high performance computing, applied mathematics, numerical analysis, high performance data analytics, machine/deep learning, quantum computing, and advanced visualisation.

The preliminary conference program and the names of our distinguished plenary speakers can be found HERE.

To attend the conference, please register through the official conference website:, where you can specify the type of your conference contribution (none/contributed talk/poster).

Registration is open until 26 April 2024. Please ensure that you secure your spot in time.

Schedule of presentations at the seminar NMMO564 Selected Problems of Mathematical Modelling/NMMO328 Bachelor Thesis Seminar

Dear students,

Attached you will find the tentative schedule of the seminar NMMO564 Selected Problems in Mathematical Modelling/NMMO328 Seminar for Bachelor Thesis. As you probably know, mathematical modelling students present intermediate results/assignments of their thesis at the seminar. MSc. D. students formally enroll in NMMO564 Selected Problems in Mathematical Modeling Seminar, BSc. students formally enroll in the seminar NMMO328 Seminar on Bachelor Thesis, but practically it is the same seminar, which is scheduled for Wednesdays 12:20 – 13:50 in the K5 classroom (Karlín) this year. The seminar is compulsory in the sense that we usually require it as a prerequisite for the credit for Diploma Thesis 1/2/3 and Bachelor Thesis – but of course we mainly want to be pleased with your results. Please do not forget to register for the seminar in SIS.

Please see the attached document for guidelines on the length of presentations and so forth. The schedule is tentative and we expect it to change. If you want to move your presentation to another date, please arrange the transfer with a specific person, we only need to know the result of your agreement (send an email to, Vít Průša), we do not want to enter into the negotiation process.

The schedule is based on the current data in SIS. If you have a thesis/bachelor’s thesis assigned and the thesis is not visible in SIS, please notify your thesis advisor/supervisor — he or she must process it through the SIS.

On behalf of the seminar organizers,

Vít Průša


PhD positions in the field of computational/mathematical modelling and experimental validation of (meta)materials — Eindhoven University of Technology

Dear colleagues, we have received the following announcement on PhD positions in the field of computational/mathematical modelling and experimental validation of (meta)materials.

Dear colleagues and students,

Consortium METRAMAT, coordinated from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), offers 10 PhD positions in the field of computational/mathematical modelling and experimental validation of (meta)materials. Positions involve (i) computational design and simulation (ranging from coupled electro-magneto-mechanical problems, acoustic and dynamic problems, to robust design and optimization), (ii) manufacturing, characterization, and reliability, and (iii) system integration (modelling of applications in MEMS, lithography, additive manufacturing, or vibration shielding). Placement includes TU/e, KU Leuven, Politecnico Di Milano, and NTNU. For more information, please visit the official webpage

Ondřej Rokoš

Christmas party

Dear colleagues and friends of mathematical modeling,

we cordially invite you to the traditional Christmas party of mathematical modeling on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 in the auditorium K1 (Sokolovská 83) from 19:00. Here you can enjoy goulash, little snack or a mulled wine and sing Christmas carols. We would like to invite not only students, graduates
and teachers associated with this field, but also their partners, friends and all fans of mathematical modeling.

Do not forget your musical instruments!
Homemade Christmas cookies are welcome!

Please make a mandatory application (via form by December 7) so that we can ensure enough refreshments for everyone and not waste unnecessarily.

Milí kolegové a přátelé matematického modelování,

srdečně Vás zveme na tradiční Vánoční besídku oboru matematického modelování ve velice předvánočním čase – ve středu 20. 12. 2022 v posluchárně K1 (Sokolovská 83) od 19 hodin.

Můžete si zde pochutnat na guláši, drobném občerstvení nebo vínu a svařáku za doprovodu vánočních koled. Rádi bychom pozvali nejen studenty, absolventy a pedagogy spojené s tímto oborem, ale i jejich partnery/ky, přátele a všechny příznivce matematického modelování.

Nezapomeňte si svoje hudební nástroje!
Vánoční cukroví je vítáno!

Prosíme, dejte nám závazně vědět o Vaší účasti (prostřednictvím formuláře do 7.12.), ať můžeme zajistit dostatek občerstvení pro všechny a zbytečně neplýtváme.