Dear colleagues, let me draw you attention to the following announcement.

Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to inform you that we just opened 6 PhD positions for the PhD program
Mathematical and Physical Sciences for Advanced Materials and Technologies
at the School for Advanced Studies in Napoli (Scuola Superiore Meridionale)
Let me give some basic information about the program
– 4 years program. The first year will be mostly focused on following the courses that will be given at the School in Napoli the remaining years will be devoted to research activity
– the grant is 1.500 euros per month (after taxes); this sum will be increased of a 50% in case the student wants to spend some time abroad to carry on the research program
– every student will receive a small sum (3.800 euros per year) to travel or to attend conferences and workshops.
Further information on the PhD program may be found at
Please, circulate this announcement among your undergraduate students or contact that maybe interested.
Information on the application can be found at the webpage
see also the attached flyer. The deadline for application is June 30.
My best wishes,
Nicola Fusco