Dear colleagues, Dear students,
the beginning of winter semester is approaching. We would like to draw your attention to the following issues.
Changes in study plans
Lecture Matrix iterative methods I (NMNV407) that is on the list of compulsory lectures for students in the study programme “Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology” (MSc. in Mathematics) and in the study programme “Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Physics” (MSc. in Physics) has been renamed to Analysis of matrix iterative methods – principles and interconnections (NMNV412), and it has been moved to the summer semester. The number of credits and the number of hours per week remain unchanged. The content of the new/renamed lecture remains almost the same, and the new/renamed lecture is from the perspective of Study Information System and the study plan equivalent to the old one.
Lecture Solution of nonlinear algebraic equations (NMNV501) that has the status of a compulsory elective lecture in the study programme “Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology” (MSc. in Mathematics) and in the study programme “Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Physics” (MSc. in Physics) will be in the academic year 2020/2021 taught for the last time. Starting from 2021/2022 it will be replaced by the lecture Numerical optimization methods 1 (NMNV503).
Lecture Nonlinear functional analysis (NMNV402) that has the status of an optional lecture in the study programme “Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology” (MSc. in Mathematics) and that is on the list of compulsory elective lectures in the study programme “Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Physics” (MSc. in Physics) has been renamed to Nonlinear differential equations (NMNV406). The content of the new/renamed lecture remains almost the same, and the new/renamed lecture is from the perspective of Study Information System and the study plan equivalent to the old one.
New lectures
We are happy to announce that Christoph Allolio who has recently joined our group is going to teach two new lectures, namely Simulation and theory of biological and soft matter systems I – Biopolymers, ions and small molecules and Simulation and theory of biological and soft matter systems II – Interfaces, self-assembly and networks. Everyone who is interested in the subject matter is most welcome.
Finally, we would also like to recall that Michal Pavelka is teaching two interesting lectures, namely GENERIC – non-equilibrium thermodynamics (NMMO463) and Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of electrochemistry (NMMO660). Everyone who is interested in the subject matter is most welcome.
Measures regarding the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease
It is very likely that COVID-19 will have an impact at the organisation of the beginning of the semester and on teaching in the semester. Please follow the webpage maintained by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics for up-to-date info.