Dear colleagues, please note the following invitation to the summer school “Geometrical modelisation in solid mechanics”.
Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the summer school GEOMETRICAL MODELISATION IN SOLID MECHANICS organized by the GDR Géométrie Differentielle et Mécanique and Centre Henri Lebesgue which will be held in Piriac-sur-Mer (Brittany, France). This research school is organized from Monday 8th to Friday 12th of June 2020 with 4 lectures of 8h : Lecture 1 by Peter Olver : Ttitle Symmetry, conservation laws, and moving frames Keyword Lie group, group action, infinitesimal generator, Lie algebra, prolongation, partial differential equation, calculus of variations, Euler--Lagrange equations, conservation law, Noether's Theorem, elasticity, differential invariant, moving frame, signature, invariant curve and surface flows Lecture 2 by Arash Yavari : Title Geometric Nonlinear Elasticity and Anelasticity Keyword Nonlinear elasticity, dislocations, disclinations, point defects, growth mechanics, accretion, material manifold, residual stress, moving frames, Bilby-Kroner-Lee decomposition Lecture 3 by Patrizio Neff : Title Scales in solids Keyword Microstructured continua, micromorphic continua, Cosserat model, Cauchy model (Piola, Green-Lagrange strains), second gradient models, Mindlin-Eringen model, lattices. Lecture 4 by Patrick Verovic : Title Finsler geometry for mechanics Keyword Generalized metrics, generalized Lagrangian, Finsler geometry, fracture, cavitation, phase fields. You are kindly requested to register for the school be fore March 12th, 2020 Registration form and additional informations are available at The conference fee covering local expenses is 400 Euros. This includes Lodging at VVF Piriac-sur-mer during the school All meals at the conference center Coffe/Tea breaks Banquet We look forward to seeing you in Piriac-sur-Mer. We would also appreciate if you forward this summer-school announcement to your colleagues who might be interested in attending. If you have any questions please contact us by e-mail With best regards, The Organizing Committee Guy CASALE, Université de Rennes 1 Aziz HAMDOUNI, Université de La Rochelle Loïc LE MARREC, Université de Rennes 1 The Scientific Commitee Boris KOLEV, ENS Paris-Saclay Camille LAURENT GENGOUX, Université de Lorraine Joel MERKER, Université de Paris-SUD Lalaonirina RAKOTOMANA, ESIROI Tudor RATIU, Université Jia-Tong Shanghai Claude STOLZ, Ecole Centrale Nantes This conference is supported by Université Rennes 1, GDR-GDM, CHL, CNRS, GDR-GDM, GDR-Meca-Wave, Régions Bretagne et Pays de Loire, ANR.