Dear colleagues, Dear students,
Please let me (Vít Průša, know — as soon as possible — whether you are interested in an online meeting wherein we would discuss prospective topics of bachelor/master theses. Please keep in mind that most of the prospective topics are not listed in the Study Information System, some people simply prefer to submit a topic into the Study Information System once they have discussed the details with the student who will work on the given topic. If you are interested we would meet together sometime in the week from 12th to 16th October.
Researchers who are interested in submitting a thesis topic can do it either via the Study Information System, or they can prepare a brief description of the topic. The thesis proposal can be subsequently posted at our webpage, or it can be presented in person at the meeting.
Update, 19th October 2020: The meeting will take place on 29th October 2020 at 19:10 via ZOOM, see the details below. Please log in with your real name and couple of minutes in advance.
Vít Průša is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Mathematical modelling — meeting with students
Time: Oct 29, 2020 07:10 PM Prague Bratislava
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