Notes from the introductory meeting:
- Questions and remarks concerning the study of mathematical modelling should be sent to:
- Milan Pokorný (PhD study programme,,
- Josef Málek (MSc study programme, mathematics,,
- Vít Průša (MSc study programme, mathematics,,
- Martin Čížek (MSc study programme, physics,
If you are not sure who do you want to talk to, please contact Vít Průša (
- Check mathematical modelling webpages on regular basis. Subscribe to our maling list.
- The most important decision you are going to make in the course of your study is the choice of the topic of your bachelor/master thesis. Deadline for the choice of bachelor thesis topic is 2nd November 2018. The choice of master thesis topic must be made no later than on 15th February 2018, see the academic calendar. However, we strongly recommend to chose your master thesis topic at your earliest convenince. In general, the sooner your choose the topic, the sooner you can start working. Note that you are requested to present the topic/results already in the summer semester in the seminar Selected problems in mathematical modelling. If necessary, we will organise a special meeting where we will informally talk about the possible topics, and eventually we will together find a topic that fits your needs. If you are interested in such a meeting, please let us know. (Send email to, Vít Průša.)
- Consider membership in SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) Student Chapter Prague. SIAM Student Chapter has a meeting today, for details please see their webpage.
- Be active. Send your bachelor-master thesis to Soutěže studentů vysokých škol ve vědecké činnosti v matematice (SVOČ, Competition of university students in mathematics). Try to collaborate with people in the mathematical modelling group.
- Think of studying abroad (ERASMUS, summer schools and so forth). Faculty coordinator of the ERASMUS programme is Ondřej Pangrác ( All the questions concerning the programme administration — which form should you fill and when you are supposed to do it — should be sent to him, we are really not very good in answering such questions. We can, however, help you with question of scientific nature, such as which university is the best choice regarding your interests.
- Most of the optional lectures start in the second week of the semester, please be in contact with the lecturers, they will keep you informed. Some invitations to optional lectures are displayed on our webpages, see below.
- Several scientific seminars are running at the School of Mathematics and across the university. If you are interested, please attend them. Programme of some seminars is shown in the calendar on our webpages.
- As always, we are going to organise an informal meeting with students and people related to the mathematical modelling group. (Meaning that we will go together to a pub.) Check mathematical modelling webpages on regular basis, we will post the date, time and place as soon as possible. (So far, the preliminary date of the event is 15th October.)
- Mathematical modelling group members are co-organising, under the auspices of the European Mathematical Society, a traditional summer school Mathematical aspects of fluid flows. If you want to participate in that school, please let us know.
We wish you a successful and inspiring study!
Interesting lectures/seminars (in random order):
- Nečas seminar on continuum mechanics
- Seminar of numerical Mathematics
- Seminar on partial differential equations
- GENERIC — non-equilibrium thermodynamics
- An introduction to mathematical homogenization
- From linear algebra to Fourier analysis
- A mild theory of distributions with applications
- Bifurkační analýza dynamických systémů 1, 2