ESSAM School on Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

Date: 29/05/2016  – 03/06/2016
Place: Kácov, Czech Republic

The aim of the school is to promote the interconnection of mathematical modeling, analysis, and computational methods used in solving complex (real-world) problems. The lectures will be prepared with a broad multidisciplinary audience in mind, and at each school a broad scope, ranging from modeling to scientific computing, will be covered. Usually four main speakers deliver a series of three lectures. Ample time within the school is allocated for the promotion of informal scientific discussions among the participants.

Speakers and topics of the 2016 school are:

  • Peter Bastian (Universität Heidelberg, Germany), [Simulation of Multiphase Flows in Porous Media].
  • Jörg Liesen (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), [Krylov subspaces. Classical mathematics, iterative methods, and surprisinglinks].
  • Jan Mandel (University of Colorado at Denver, USA), [Probability on spaces of functions, with applications to inverse problems and dataassimilation].
  • Richard Katz (University of Oxford, UK), [Two-phase fluid dynamics of partially molten rock: fundamentals and application to the Earth].

The school is organized under the auspices of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague (MFF UK), as an activity of the Nečas Center for Mathematical Modeling. Participants will have a possibility to present a short communication (maximally 10 minutes in the dependence on the number of
participants contributing to this kind of activity).

The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is May 2, 2016.

Registration is now open at including the additional information about the venue, program and deadlines.


Advanced Schools at the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) II

Dear colleagues,

The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) is organising several interesting Advanced Schools, see the list below. If someone is interested — especially students — please talk to us (Josef Málek, Vít Průša) about funding opportunities. See also earlier post listing other schools organised by CISM

CISM-ECCOMAS International Summer School on “Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction”
Udine, June 27 – July 1, 2016
Coordinated by
Wolfgang A. Wall (Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany) and Charbel Farhat (Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA).

Information about the contents of this course and the procedure for admission can be found at

Mechanics and Physics of Fracture: Multi-scale Modeling of the Failure Behaviour of Solids
Udine, September 26 – 30, 2016
Coordinated by
Laurent Ponson (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France).

Information about the contents of this course and the procedure for admission can be found at

Computational Contact and Interface Mechanics
Udine, October 3 – 17, 2016
Coordinated by
Alexander Popp (Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany) and Peter Wriggers (Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany).

Information about the contents of this course and the procedure for admission can be found at

We hope that these activities can be of interest.

Thanking you for your kind attention, please refer to our website for detailed and further info.

Professor Bernhard Schrefler
Secretary General of CISM

Mathematical Signal and Image Processing — PhD and postdoc positions

Dear colleagues,

Jan Vybíral has sent us a link to several job openings in mathematical signal and image processing, see for details.

PhD Position at the University of Vienna
The Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna is inviting
applications for a 3 year PhD position (extension to 4 years possible) in the
research group of Prof. Philipp Grohs in the fields of computational
harmonic analysis,
numerics of PDEs or machine learning (see for
further information regarding possible research directions).

Candidates are expected to have a master in mathematics or a closely related
field with excellent grades, preferably with a strong background in analysis
and numerics. The preferred starting date is July 1st 2016 but the actual
date is negotiable. Applications in a single pdf-document including all
relevant documents should be sent to
Prof. Dr. Philipp Grohs,, by 15th March 2016.

University Lecturer in the Mathematics of Information
Applications are invited for a University Lectureship in the Mathematics of
Information to commence on 1 September 2016 or by agreement. Appointment
will be made at an appropriate point on the University scale and will be
for a
probationary period of five years with appointment to the retiring age
thereafter, subject to satisfactory performance.

Candidates should hold a PhD or equivalent in mathematics or a closely
related subject, and have an outstanding record of research in the
mathematics of
data science.

Interviews are expected to be held during the week beginning 15 February
2016 or shortly thereafter.

Informal enquiries about the position may be made to Dr Carola-Bibiane
Schönlieb (

Further information for applicants is available at

PhD Position (3 years, starting date 01.04.2016)
The Applied Analysis Group, Institute of Mathematics, University Osnabrueck,
Germany, invites applications for one PhD Position (3 years, starting date
01.04.2016) in applied harmonic analysis, fast algorithms or its
applications in image- and signal processing. Candidates are expected to
have a master in
mathematics or a closely related field with a strong background in analysis
and numerics.

Further information can be found at

Applications in a single pdf-document including all relevant documents
should be sent to Prof. Dr. Stefan Kunis,,
by 31st January 2016.


Postdoc positions in Graph Signal Processing / Dimension Reduction
Compressive Learning
The PANAMA team is welcoming applications from highly qualified candidates
for postdoctoral positions in the context of the ERC project PLEASE
(Projection, Learning and Sparsity for Efficient data processing).
The PLEASE project gathers a small research group to explore the frontiers
of Signal Processing and Machine Learning under the auspices of sparsity
and low-dimensional projections. With its task force of graduate students
and postdocs with different scientific backgrounds, and its program of
international visitors, PLEASE develops the mathematical and algorithmic
foundations of new ways to acquire, analyze and process the information
content of complex data, streams and collections.

To apply: applicants are requested to send a detailed CV, a list of
publications and a brief statement of research interests. This material,
together with two letters of reference, shall be sent to (cc:

Advanced Schools at the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM)

Dear colleagues,

The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) is organising several interesting Advanced Schools, see the list below. If someone is interested — especially students — please talk to us (Josef Málek, Vít Průša) about funding opportunities.

The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) Udine, Italy, will organize among others the following Advanced Schools:

Fabric Tensors – Measures of Porous or Granular Material Anisotropy
Udine, June 6 – 10, 2016
Coordinated by
Luis Cardoso (The City College, New York, USA) and Stephen C. Cowin (City University of New York, San Diego, USA).

Information about the contents of this course and the procedure for admission can be found at

22th CISM-IUTAM International Summer School on “Biological and Bio-inspired Fluid Mechanics”
Udine, July 4 – 8, 2016
Coordinated by
Eric Lauga (University of Cambridge, Cambridge, Great Britain) and Christophe Eloy (IRPHE, Marseille, France).

Information about the contents of this course and the procedure for admission can be found at

The Role of Mechanics in the Study of Lipid Bilayers
Udine, July 11 – 15, 2016
Coordinated by
David Steigmann (University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA).

Information about the contents of this course and the procedure for admission can be found at

Multiscale Modeling of Flowing Soft Matter and Polymer Systems
Udine, July 25 – 29, 2016
Coordinated by
Paola Carbone (The University of Manchester, Manchester, Great Britain) and Daniele Marchisio (Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy).

Information about the contents of this course and the procedure for admission can be found at

We hope that these activities can be of interest.

Thanking you for your kind attention, please refer to our website for detailed and further info.

Professor Bernhard Schrefler
Secretary General of CISM

Christmas party

We would like to invite you, your partners and other sympathizers of mathematical modelling to traditional Christmas party of Mathematical Modelling at MFF. The event we be held on Tuesday 15th of December in K1 (Sokolovska 83, Prague 8) at 18:00.

The traditional mulled wine and other beverages will be served. Carols will be sung by Heisenbergsche Wahrscheinlichkeit-Gruppe whose composition is strongly dependent on the present audience. Hence, do not hesitate to bring your own music instrument/voice to join.

Enter fee:
Students of MFF 50 Kč.
Doctorates and sympathizers 100 Kč.
Pedagogues and Sebastian 150 Kč.