PhD position in Computational Mechanics

The University of Luxembourg (UL) invites applications for the position of a Doctoral Researcher (PhD candidate) in Computational Mechanics. The successful applicant is expected to perform original research in the area of advanced computational solid/structural mechanics with applications in civil and/or mechanical engineering and to contribute to associated teaching activities in the department’s bachelor and master programmes. You will be working in the research team led by Prof. Dr. Andreas Zilian (Department of Engineering / Computational Engineering and Sciences).

More details at: Doctoral Candidate in Computational Mechanics

Thermal plasma physics and electrical arcs simulations internship

Siemens Digital Industries Software is seeking an intern to join us for a year (2023-2024) to work within the Technology and Application group, focused on the Siemens flagship computational fluid dynamics (CFD) product Simcenter STAR-CCM+. The intern will be responsible for building, solving and reporting on the current capabilities for plasma simulations. For details, see

19th Eduard Čech lecture

Dear colleagues,

prof. Yoshihiro Shibata (Waseda University) will deliver the 19th Čech lecture on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 10:30 in the main (blue) lecture room of the Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences (Žitná 25, Prague).

You will find the official flyer for this lecture with the title and the abstract in the attachment.

The lecture will be streamed via Zoom

and broadcasted on Youtube:

Everybody is invited.

RSJ Securities – Open Day

RSJ Securities OPEN DAY will take place on Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 14:00.
The event is intended for those interested in the opportunity to work in the field of algorithmic trading.
Mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists and others will find oportunity.

For more information, visit

ERC-funded Postdoc and PhD positions at IST Austria

This year, a number of postdoctoral and PhD positions will be available in my research group at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) on the outskirts of Vienna. The positions are funded by my ERC Starting Grant “Bridging Scales in Random Materials”.

The positions will be research-oriented positions without teaching load; for postdocs, a limited amount of teaching in the IST graduate school is possible, depending on the preferences of the postdoc. The initial appointments for postdocs will usually be for 2 years, with a possible extension to 3 years. PhD students must be admitted in the IST graduate school (see ) and will receive contracts for 4 years.

Possible research directions include but are not limited to:
-Quantitative homogenization of random materials and nonlinear PDEs, in particular for models from fracture mechanics or curvature-driven PDEs,
-Numerical methods for stochastic homogenization, homogenization beyond separation of scales, and uncertainty quantification for random PDEs,
-Stability properties of interface evolution problems (such as multiphase mean curvature flow) beyond topological changes and phase-field approximations.

Candidates for the positions should have a strong background in one of the following areas:
-Analysis of PDEs or calculus of variations, for postdocs ideally in the context of mathematical models for materials or interface evolution equations,
-Probability theory, stochastic analysis, and/or SPDEs,
-High-dimensional numerical methods for PDEs.

Information about the institute IST Austria and my research group may be found at and , respectively. For additional information on the positions or the institute, candidates may contact me directly by email ( ).

The starting date of the postdoctoral positions is flexible, with a preferred starting date between May 2023 and October 2023. Applications should be sent before — January 25, 2023 — to my email address .

Applications for the postdoctoral positions should consist of a research statement and a cv including a publication list; furthermore, candidates should arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent directly to my email address .

Applicants for PhD positions must be admitted in the IST graduate school, with the next call deadline in — February 2023 — (see ); however, applicants interested in the ERC-funded positions in my group should contact me in advance by email.

May I kindly ask you to share this email with potentially interested candidates. Apologies for any duplicate emails some of you might receive.

Best regards,
Julian Fischer

Christmas party

(English version below)

Milí kolegové a přátelé matematického modelování,

srdečně Vás zveme na tradiční Vánoční besídku oboru matematického
modelování ve velice předvánočním čase – ve středu 21. 12. 2022
v posluchárně K1 (Sokolovská 83) od 18 hodin.

Můžete si zde pochutnat na guláši, chlebíčkách nebo vínu a svařáku
za doprovodu vánočních koled. Rádi bychom pozvali nejen studenty,
absolventy a pedagogy spojené s tímto oborem, ale i jejich partnery/ky,
přátele a všechny příznivce matematického modelování.

Nezapomeňte si svoje hudební nástroje!
Vánoční cukroví je vítáno!

Vstupné bude placeno na místě v hotovosti:
Bc a Mgr studenti 150 Kč
Doktorandi 250 Kč
Junior researchers 350 Kč
Senior researchers 400 Kč

Aktuální informace včetně krásné pozvánky:
Prosíme, dejte nám závazně vědět o Vaší účasti (prostřednictvím
formuláře do „Mikuláše“ 5.12.), ať můžeme zajistit dostatek
občerstvení pro všechny a zbytečně neplýtváme.

Se srdečným pozdravem
studenti magisterských ročníků matematického modelování

Dear colleagues and friends of mathematical modeling,
we cordially invite you to the traditional Christmas party of
mathematical modeling in a very pre-Christmas time: on Wednesday,
December 21, 2022 in the auditorium K1 (Sokolovská 83) from 18:00.

Here you can enjoy goulash, sandwiches or a mulled wine and sing
Christmas carols. We would like to invite not only students, graduates
and teachers associated with this field, but also their partners,
friends and all fans of mathematical modeling.

Don’t forget your musical instruments!
Homemade Christmas cookies are welcomed!

The entrance fee will be paid on site in cash:
BSc and MSc students 150 CZK
Postgraduate students 250 CZK
Junior researchers 350 CZK
Senior researchers 400 CZK
Up-to-date information including a beautiful invitation:
Please make a mandatory application (via form by
“St. Nicholas Day” 5.12.) so that we can ensure enough
refreshments for everyone and not waste unnecessarily.

Best regards
graduated students of mathematical modeling

Informal meeting — mathematical modelling

Dear mathematical modelling students,

Informal meeting on the occasion of the beginning of the semester will take place in restaurant Knajpička (Sokolovská 100/94, 186 00 Praha 8-Karlín) on Wednesday 12th October at 17:30. All teachers and students of mathematical modelling are cordially invited!

Please confirm your participation by sending an email to Jana Brunatova:
[Jana is the Treasurer of SIAM Student Chapter ( co-organizing the event.]

The Charles University Grant Agency — 20th call for grant applications is open

Call for the 20th round of applications of the Grant Agency of Charles University is now open. We recall that the agency supports students enrolled at Charles University and studying in doctoral or masters programs. Consequently, the call gives the students unique opportunity to apply for you own research grant.

The deadline for the filing of new project applications at the Research Support Office of the Rectorate (electronically en bloc for the faculty) is set as 15 November 2022.

If you want to apply in this call, please let us (Josef Málek, Vít Průša) know. We can help you with the application. Details concerning the grant program are available at Charles University Grant Agency webpage.