Winter semester 2020/2021 — preliminary notes

Dear colleagues, Dear students,

the beginning of winter semester is approaching. We would like to draw your attention to the following issues.

Changes in study plans

Lecture Matrix iterative methods I (NMNV407) that is on the list of compulsory lectures for students in the study programme “Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology” (MSc. in Mathematics) and in the study programme “Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Physics” (MSc. in Physics) has been renamed to Analysis of matrix iterative methods – principles and interconnections (NMNV412), and it has been moved to the summer semester. The number of credits and the number of hours per week remain unchanged. The content of the new/renamed lecture remains almost the same, and the new/renamed lecture is from the perspective of Study Information System and the study plan equivalent to the old one.

Lecture Solution of nonlinear algebraic equations (NMNV501) that has the status of a compulsory elective lecture in the study programme “Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology” (MSc. in Mathematics) and in the study programme “Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Physics” (MSc. in Physics) will be in the academic year 2020/2021 taught for the last time. Starting from 2021/2022 it will be replaced by the lecture Numerical optimization methods 1 (NMNV503).

Lecture Nonlinear functional analysis (NMNV402) that has the status of an optional lecture in the study programme “Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology” (MSc. in Mathematics) and that is on the list of compulsory elective lectures in the study programme “Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Physics” (MSc. in Physics) has been renamed to Nonlinear differential equations (NMNV406). The content of the new/renamed lecture remains almost the same, and the new/renamed lecture is from the perspective of Study Information System and the study plan equivalent to the old one.

New lectures

We are happy to announce that Christoph Allolio who has recently joined our group is going to teach two new lectures, namely Simulation and theory of biological and soft matter systems I – Biopolymers, ions and small molecules and Simulation and theory of biological and soft matter systems II – Interfaces, self-assembly and networks. Everyone who is interested in the subject matter is most welcome.

Finally, we would also like to recall that Michal Pavelka is teaching two interesting lectures, namely GENERIC – non-equilibrium thermodynamics (NMMO463) and Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of electrochemistry (NMMO660). Everyone who is interested in the subject matter is most welcome.

Measures regarding the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease

It is very likely that COVID-19 will have an impact at the organisation of the beginning of the semester and on teaching in the semester. Please follow the webpage maintained by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics for up-to-date info.

PhD positions at the School for Advanced Studies in Napoli

Dear colleagues, let me draw you attention to the following announcement.

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to inform you that we just opened 6 PhD positions for the PhD program
Mathematical and Physical Sciences for Advanced Materials and Technologies
at the School for Advanced Studies in Napoli (Scuola Superiore Meridionale)

Let me give some basic information about the program

–  4 years program. The first year will be mostly focused on following the courses that will be given at the School in Napoli the remaining years will be devoted to research activity
–  the grant is 1.500 euros per month (after taxes); this sum will be increased of a 50% in case the student wants to spend some time abroad to carry on the research program
– every student will receive a small sum (3.800 euros per year) to travel or to attend conferences and workshops.

Further information on the PhD program may be found at

Please, circulate this announcement among your undergraduate students or contact that maybe interested.

Information on the application can be found at the webpage
see also the attached flyer. The deadline for application is June 30.

My best wishes,
Nicola Fusco

Seminar “Selected problems in mathematical modelling” — online meeting 20th April 2020

Dear colleagues, dear students,

Alena Jarolímová and Jakub Fara will their talks on Magnetic resonance imaging and computational fluid hemodynamics and Fluid-structure interaction between blood and dissipating artery wall online on Monday 20th April 2020 at 17:00. Just like last time we will use ZOOM (; the meeting ID is 117 820 801 or just click the link

We are looking forward to see you on Monday!

Seminar “Selected problems in mathematical modelling” — online meeting 6th April 2020

Dear colleagues, dear students,

Burak Aygun and Brendan Ninneman have agreed to give their talks online on Monday 6th April 2020 at 17:00. We shall use a virtual conference room solution ZOOM ( The meeting ID is 117 820 801 or just click the link

Please note that you might need to install a desktop client that will allow you to use the ZOOM communication protocol. Please do it before the meeting in order to avoid delays.

We are looking forward to see you on Monday!

Seminar “Selected problems in mathematical modelling” — summer semester 2019/2020

Dear colleagues, dear students,

the seminar Selected problems in mathematical modelling also known as the diploma thesis seminar will start on Monday 2nd March 2020. (We expect that the seminar will take place irregularly on Monday at 17:40 in the lecture room K358MUUK. Please check our webpages for updates.) This year we will start with a short lecture/course “How to present well“. The lecture will be given by Zdeňka Crkalová, and it will be given in Czech. Zdeňka will give you some tips on how to improve your presentation skills, and she will also attend your lectures during the semester, and she will try to comment on the quality of your presentation.

Update (22nd February 2020): The schedule is available here. The seminar will take place irregularly on Monday at 17:40 in the lecture room K358MUUK.

Lake Como School of Advanced Studies in Mathematical Models for Bio-Medical Sciences

Dear All,

We would like to draw your attention to the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies in Mathematical Models for Bio-Medical Sciences  to be held from June 29 – July 3, 2020 at Villa del Grumello in Como.

The event is aimed at a broad audience of young researchers in mathematical modeling and analysis in applied sciences, particularly focusing on PhD students and postdocs. The summer school will consist of four main courses. The main courses will be given by:
Helen Byrne (Oxford University) – Approaches to modelling the growth and response to treatment of solid tumours
José Antonio Carrillo (Imperial College, London) – Cell-cell Adhesion micro-and macroscopic models via Aggregation-Diffusion systems
Harald Garcke (University of Regensburg) – Phase field approaches for tumour growth
John Lowengrub (University of California, Irvine) – Multiscale models of complex biological systems: Growth, patterning and morphogenesis

A limited number of short talks and posters will be scheduled. Interested candidates should apply for that during the registration. 
A limited amount of financial support for accommodation is available. Moreover, we offer to waive registration fee for a limited number of participants. 

For application for financial support, a letter of motivation and a CV should be submitted along with the registration. 

The deadline for application for financial support is March 31, 2020. The chosen participants will be notified by April 15, 2020.

The registration and payment deadline is June 15, 2020.

Detailed information on the summer school and the registration can be found at

We hope for a widespread participation in our summer school!

With best regards,
The Organizers
Pierluigi Colli and Elisabetta Rocca

Summer school “Geometrical modelisation in solid mechanics”

Dear colleagues, please note the following invitation to the summer school “Geometrical modelisation in solid mechanics”.

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the summer school 

organized by the GDR Géométrie Differentielle et Mécanique and 
Centre Henri Lebesgue which will be held in Piriac-sur-Mer (Brittany, France).

This research school is organized from Monday 8th to Friday 12th of June 2020 with 4 lectures of 8h :

Lecture 1 by Peter Olver : 
 Ttitle Symmetry, conservation laws, and moving frames
 Keyword Lie  group, group action, infinitesimal generator, Lie algebra,  prolongation, partial differential equation, calculus of variations,  Euler--Lagrange equations, conservation law, Noether's Theorem,  elasticity, differential invariant, moving frame, signature, invariant  curve and surface flows
Lecture 2 by Arash Yavari :
 Title Geometric Nonlinear Elasticity and Anelasticity
 Keyword Nonlinear  elasticity, dislocations, disclinations, point defects, growth  mechanics, accretion, material manifold, residual stress, moving frames,  Bilby-Kroner-Lee decomposition
Lecture 3 by Patrizio Neff :
 Title  Scales in solids
 Keyword Microstructured  continua, micromorphic continua, Cosserat model, Cauchy model (Piola,  Green-Lagrange strains), second gradient models, Mindlin-Eringen model,  lattices.
Lecture 4 by Patrick Verovic :
 Title Finsler geometry for mechanics
 Keyword Generalized metrics, generalized Lagrangian, Finsler geometry, fracture, cavitation, phase fields.

You are kindly requested to register for the school be
fore March 12th, 2020

Registration form and additional informations are available at

The conference fee covering local expenses is 400 Euros. 
This includes 

Lodging at VVF Piriac-sur-mer during the school
All meals at the conference center
Coffe/Tea breaks

We  look forward to seeing you in  Piriac-sur-Mer.  We would also appreciate if you forward this summer-school announcement  to your colleagues who might be interested in attending. If you have any questions please contact us by e-mail 

With best regards, 

The Organizing Committee 

Guy CASALE, Université de Rennes 1
Aziz HAMDOUNI, Université de La Rochelle
Loïc LE MARREC, Université de Rennes 1 

The Scientific Commitee
Boris KOLEV, ENS Paris-Saclay
Camille LAURENT GENGOUX, Université de Lorraine
Joel MERKER, Université de Paris-SUD
Tudor RATIU, Université Jia-Tong Shanghai
Claude STOLZ, Ecole Centrale Nantes

This conference is supported by Université Rennes 1, GDR-GDM, CHL, 
CNRS, GDR-GDM, GDR-Meca-Wave, Régions Bretagne et Pays de Loire, ANR.