SVOČ 2019

Dear colleagues, dear students,

It is our pleasure to announce that Jan Zeman has been awarded by the second place in the student competition SVOČ 2019. His work “Gradient polyconvexity and its application to problems of mathematical elasticity and plasticity” has been awarded in section M7/8 Applied mathematics. Congratulations!

We would also like to thank the other participants for the good representation of our university. Thank you!

Modelling trip

We cordially invite you to participate in the annual trip of the Mathematical modelling department.

This year the ~8km route starts at Černý most, leads through Klánovický les and ends in a restaurant in Klánovice (see for details). You are welcome to bring your spouses, children (the route is stroller-friendly), friends, and dogs.
Date: Wednesday, May 1 2019 (May Day, public holiday)
Starting point: 9am near Černý most metro station (open space by Bryksova street, see for details)
End point: a restaurant in Klánovice (TBA)

If you are interested in joining us on the trip, please confirm your participation by April 24 by sending the number of attendees to Erika Maringova:

Česká matematická společnost — SVOČ

Přeposíláme email z České matematické společnosti. Studenti modelování by měli věnovat pozornost především druhému bodu — vyhlášení dalšího ročníku Soutěže studentů vysokých škol ve vědecké činnosti v matematice a informatice (SVOČ).

Vážení členové ČMS,
věnujte prosím pozornost následujícím dvěma aktualitám.

1. Byla vyhlášena soutěž na podporu akcí pro studenty a mladé kolegy pro rok 2019. Více informací najdete na Termín pro podávání návrhů je do 31. 5. 2019.

2. Byl vyhlášen další ročník Soutěže studentů vysokých škol ve vědecké činnosti v matematice a informatice (SVOČ). Závěrečné kolo bude uspořádáno v Brně v areálu Ústavu matematiky a statistiky Přírodovědecké fakulty a Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity ve dnech 2. – 4. června 2019. Více informací o účasti v soutěži včetně aktuálních propozic najdete na

Se srdečným pozdravem
Tomáš Vejchodský

PhD positions in the artificial photosynthesis group at FU Berlin

We are forwarding an email concerning PhD positions at FU Berlin.

Dear Colleagues,

there are two open PhD positions in the artificial photosynthesis group at FU Berlin (head: Sebastian Matera) which are devoted to the coupling of molecular and continuum scales in (photo)electrochemical systems.

Please forward this information to possible candidates.

Best regards
Jürgen Fuhrmann

Summer semester 2018-2019 — notes

Dear students, Dear colleagues,

the summer semester has just started. Let me remind you a few things that are related to this important event.

Seminar Selected Problems in Mathematical Modelling (Vybrané problémy matematického modelování) which is also know as thesis seminar will take place irregularly on Mondays in the lecture room K12, see the attached schedule.

Note that you are required to give a presentation of your work at the seminar. The presentation is a necessary condition for getting the credits for the subject Diploma theis I/II/III. Please enroll for the seminar as soon as possible. Further, please check that you can give your presentation according to the schedule. If this is not possible, please contact us immediately, and we will try to find the date that is suitable for you.

Let us recall that the first year students are asked to give a 15 minutes presentation regarding the topic of the thesis (description of the topic, description of the main issues and methods that will be probably used for the solution of the given problem). Students in the second/third year are asked to give a 30 minutes presentation on the results/partial results obtained during the solution of the diploma thesis.

Official deadline for the selection of your diploma thesis topics is 15th February 2019.  If you already know the topic of your thesis and your supervisor, please check that the thesis has been officially assigned to you in the Study Information System (SIS). If you do not see the topic in SIS, please ask you supervisor to fix it.

It can happen that you are still not sure about the topic of your thesis. If this is the case, you might need our advice. If this is the case, please do not hesitate and contact us!

If you want to submit your thesis (in summer) this year, please note that the official deadline for the submission of your thesis is 10th May 2019. There is no chance to extend the deadline!

You might check the course list for interesting lectures. My secret tip for an interesting lecture is the new lecture Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of electrochemistry.

Ph.D. student position in modeling of mechanical metamaterials at Czech Technical University in Prague

Milan Jirasek and Jan Zeman at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, are searching for a motivated Ph.D. student, who will work on our new ambitious project on non-periodic mechanical metamaterials. Candidates should be interested in and have some previous experience with mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of the mechanical response of materials or structures.
Interested candidates are invited to proceed to for additional details on the opening.