State exam

We have updated the information concerning the state exam, see the dedicated webpage State exam (MSc Physics) and State exam (MSc Mathematics). In particular, the list of topics for the state exam should be now more specific and also more consistent with the topics covered by the compulsory lectures.

If you are looking for a decent New Year’s resolution, you should consider something like “I will write a fantastic thesis. I am looking forward to the state exam — I will enjoy it.” :-)

Bakalářský obor Matematické modelování

V akademickém roce 2019/2020 otevíráme bakalářský studijní obor Matematické modelování. Studenti středních škol v tuto chvíli začínají rozjímat nad přihláškami ke studiu na vysoké škole, takže pokud máte ve vašem okolí někoho, koho by nabídka bakalářského studia matematického modelování mohla zaujmout, tak neváhejte a připomeňte mu, že na matematickém modelování rádi uvítáme nové studenty a studentky.

4th Advanced in silico drug design workshop in Olomouc

Dear colleagues, please note the following invitation.

Dear colleagues,

we would like to invite you to the 4th Drug Design workshop which
will be held on 21-25 January 2019 in Olomouc (Czech Republic). It is
focused on practical applications of different chemoinformatic tools and
approaches for drug development. This might be interesting for bachelor,
master and PhD students to broaden their experience and sharpen skills.
Basic Python skills would be desirable for QSAR and deep learning
tutorials. However, a brief introduction to Python will be given at the

During the workshop, students will learn pharmacophore modeling with
LigandScout, molecular docking with AutoDock Vina, QSAR modeling with
RDKit and OpenBabel, scikit-learn and SPCI, molecular dynamics with GROMACS and deep learning. A
competition will be organized at the last day of the workshop where
participants will be able to apply acquired knowledge to solve real
chemoinformatic tasks and win prizes.

Please feel free to share this information to those who may be
interested in participating in such event. Thank you.

With kind regards,
Thomas Evangelidis


Dr Thomas Evangelidis

Research Scientist

IOCB – Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Prague, Czech Republic
CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology
Brno, Czech Republic



Modelářská vánoční besídka

Srdečně Vás zveme na tradiční Vánoční besídku oboru matematického modelování, která se koná v pondělí 10.12.2018 v posluchárně K1 (Sokolovská 83) od 18:00 hodin.

Můžete si zde pochutnat na guláši, chlebíčkách nebo svařáku za doprovodu vánočních koled. Vzhledem k tomu, že se vánoční besídka pořádá v posluchárně K1, rádi bychom pozvali nejen studenty, absolventy a pedagogy spojené s tímto oborem, ale i jejich partnery/ky, přátele a všechny přízvnice matematického modelovaní.

Nezapomeňte si Vaše hudební nástroje!


Master and bachelor thesis — list of topics

Dear students,

let me briefly summarise the topics of master and bachelor theses that were offered at the meeting.

Another list of topics has been compiled by Martin Čížek. If you want to see more topics, please check also the list of topics in Study Information System.

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

The College of Science and Engineering (CSE)* now invites applications for admission to PhD programmes at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) through the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme in 2019/20, called the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. This Scheme is run by the RGC (Hong Kong Research Grants Council). This Scheme is indeed extremely attractive, since any PhD student accepted under this program will receive a monthly salary of 25,000 Hong Kong Dollars (hence around 3,200 USD/month at the current exchange rate), during three years at CityU (City University of Hong Kong).

Note that the cost of living in Hong kong is quite reasonable, and that housing is provided by the university: it’s free the first year (covered, like the Tuition Fees, by an additional Entrance Scholarship).

Of course, only students with extremely good academic records should apply. Another requirement is the English Proficiency: Unless his/her medium of instruction was English, any candidate should have passed either the TOEFL Test with a minimum score of 79 (this minimum TOEFL score is equivalent to 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based)), or the IELTS
Test with a minimum score of 6.5 (as I understand, it’s possible to pass the TOEFL or IELTS Tests online).

You will find all the instructions and details in the following websites:
– The RGC website is:,
– The CityU website is:

Promotional materials:

Text version:

Please note that the absolute deadline for applying are 1st December 2018 for RGC and 1st December 2018 for CityU.

Topics of bachelor/master theses — meeting

Those who are interested in a discussion on the choice of bachelor/master thesis topic are kindly invited to a meeting that will take place in the lecture room K9 on 5th November 2018 at 17:20. The meeting is aimed at students who are looking for a thesis topic as well as researchers who want to offer in person their thesis topic to a wider audience.