Student grants

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics has just announced another call in the grant programme “Studentské fakultní granty”, see the announcement at We recall that the grants are aimed at bachelor and master students.

Thermal plasma physics and electrical arcs simulations internship

Siemens Digital Industries Software is seeking an intern to join us for a year (2023-2024) to work within the Technology and Application group, focused on the Siemens flagship computational fluid dynamics (CFD) product Simcenter STAR-CCM+. The intern will be responsible for building, solving and reporting on the current capabilities for plasma simulations. For details, see …

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ECMI Modelling week 2023

Dear students, European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry is organising the traditional Modelling Week. This year the Modelling week will take place in Szeged (Hungary). If you would like to participate in this event, please contact us (Vít Průša, and wecan help you to secure funding.

Christmas party

(English version below) Milí kolegové a přátelé matematického modelování, srdečně Vás zveme na tradiční Vánoční besídku oboru matematického modelování ve velice předvánočním čase – ve středu 21. 12. 2022 v posluchárně K1 (Sokolovská 83) od 18 hodin. Můžete si zde pochutnat na guláši, chlebíčkách nebo vínu a svařáku za doprovodu vánočních koled. Rádi bychom pozvali …

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Informal meeting — mathematical modelling

Dear mathematical modelling students, Informal meeting on the occasion of the beginning of the semester will take place in restaurant Knajpička (Sokolovská 100/94, 186 00 Praha 8-Karlín) on Wednesday 12th October at 17:30. All teachers and students of mathematical modelling are cordially invited! Please confirm your participation by sending an email to Jana Brunatova:[Jana …

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The Charles University Grant Agency — 20th call for grant applications is open

Call for the 20th round of applications of the Grant Agency of Charles University is now open. We recall that the agency supports students enrolled at Charles University and studying in doctoral or masters programs. Consequently, the call gives the students unique opportunity to apply for you own research grant. The deadline for the filing …

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