Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods: talk by Professor K.R. Rajagopal (Texas A&M University)

The talk On a possible methodology for identifying the initiation of damage in a class of solids, by Professor K.R. Rajagopal (Texas A&M University) will be held on Monday November 20, 2017 at 9:00 in room K3.

Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods: talk by Ilya Peshkov, (Paul Sabatier University – Toulouse III, France)

The talk Unified continuum flow theory, by Ilya Peshkov,  (Paul Sabatier University – Toulouse III, France) will be held on Monday November 13, 2017 at 9:00 in room K3.

Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods: talk by Doc. Ing. Richard Liska, CSc. (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague)

The talk Numerical Methods for Lagrangian and Indirect ALE Hydrodynamics, by Doc. Ing. Richard Liska, CSc. (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague) will be held on Monday November 6, 2017 at 9:00 in room K3.

Topics of bachelor/master theses — meeting

Those who are interested in a discussion on the choice of bachelor/master thesis topic are kindly invited to a meeting that will take place in the lecture room K9 on 31st October 2017 at 19:00. (Immediately after the end of the lecture on continuum mechanics.) The meeting is aimed at students who are looking for a thesis topic as well as teachers who want to offer in person their thesis topic to a wider audience.

In the meantime you can check a a special webpage for a list of topics for bachelor/master thesis. (Check also the Study Information System.)

Topics of bachelor/master theses

If you are interested in writing your bachelor/diploma thesis in the matematical modelling group or with researchers collaborating the mathematical modelling group, you are most welcome. Below you will find a list of topics offered by the members of the group and some of our collaborators. In general we are ready to discuss the choice of bachelor/master with you, and we are willing to search for a topic that will suit your needs. If you want to work with someone in the mathematical modelling group, please do not be shy, and contact him or her directly even if he or she is currently offering no thesis topics.

Last update: 1st November 2017

Bachelor thesis:

Master thesis:

Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods: talk by Ogul Esen (Gebze Technical University, Turkey)

The talk Matching of dynamical systems: With an introduction to Geometric Mechanics, by Ogul Esen (Gebze Technical University, Turkey) will be held on Monday October 30, 2017 at 9:00 in room K3.

Cell tracking in 3D+time images — Job opportunity at Slovak University of Technology in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “ImageInLife”

In the context of the ImageInLife network, the Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, is recruiting 1 Early Stage Researcher (ESR, PhD student) on the project detailed below. The ESR will be offered an interdisciplinary education programme that includes a PhD trajectory with training-through-research in individual project, secondments at research groups of other network partners, and a variety of local and network-wide courses and workshops.

Please see the flyer for details.

Modelling of materials – theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods: talk by Prof. Ondřej Čadek (Department of Geophysics)

The talk Viskoelastická deformace kulové slupky vyvolaná fázovými změnami na její hranici: Aplikace na ledové měsíce velkých planet, by Prof. Ondřej Čadek (Department of Geophysics) will be held on Monday October 23, 2017 at 9:00 in room K3.